Close reading_Video Essay_Morgan&Chante


Public Secrets explores a seemingly unjust system which navigates women correctional facilities across the state of California. The interactive close-reading intertwines personal reflections of female prisoners with shocking facts that just may support their claims. Here, viewers are introduced to a frightening idea that the United States justice system is a major contradiction which inhibits millions of their potential each year. Therefore, this disquisition will discuss the extremely costly efforts set in place to exile criminals. As well as the unsuccessful venture a correctional facility takes to “correct” the lives of its captees.

Thesis Statement:

The incarceration of women is a continuously growing epidemic that effects the education, evolution, and liveliness of American women.

Figures_Chante_Scholar assignment_10/12/16

Mcluhan main focus was “The medium is the message”. In his argument he discussed the alternative a medium can have on its message. I would consider him a pessimist because he does not see media as being a good thing. He sees it as rather an inconvenience.

Carr would likely be optimistic about today’s technology. As she goes on to commend technology for creating a powerful search engine and helping to organize the world.

Huxleyan does not see such advance technology as a good thing. While it is convenient and helpful at times, it controls our minds and soon enough we will depend too heavily on technology.

Ian Bogost compares new media against one another. This, I would say makes him an optimist. Because, he is relating his theory to the ways of the world today. Instead of comparing it to the way the world use to be, in turn finding a downside.

Unlike the previous scholars, it seems that Shirky is neither pessimistic or optimistic. Facts are only stated about print (which has been around for ages). There isn’t much opinionated arguments stated in this article.

Jenkins appears to be more of a skeptic in this argument. He often compares a negative thing to a positive. Which gives his statement a sense of balance. Though it seems according to Jenkins the bad outweighs the good.

Chante Figures- Inspiration Ideas


Blur-Magazine displays simple, yet elegant photos. Most of their photos were of women surrounded by different objects. The objects surrounding them however, did not take away from their beauty. I like this idea as a theme for my zine because, it helps to portray the idea I intended to convey. Media is all around us but it is not who we are. Though, in today’s era, it seems that it has become a major aspect of who we aspire to be. So much so, that we often conform to a digital world which leaves us lost and out of touch with reality. I like the simplicity of Blur Magazines photos, as well as the complicated notions lurking behind the images. screenshot-7

I also like the Doc photo magazine edition. I enjoy the mysteriousness of the articles. Each page contains a photo which is then explain in the page following. I find this technique interesting and compelling. The photos made me want to read the article that accompanied it. I hope to apply this concept to capture my audiences attention.